Finding Your Purpose

Posted by Veronica Queen on

I believe in life having a purpose that is more than just we live and then we die. I have known and searched for purpose because there is so much more to this life than just that. Each and every one of us has a purpose to be born upon God’s green earth. I’ve always felt that it is extremely important to get grounded. Having morals and values. My father always taught me to keep God #1 in my life and it has never failed me.

Giving back has always been something I had seen as a must. What good does it make to succeed in life and take on all the wealth and knowledge alone. That is just greedy and outrageous. We need to take care of one another and learn how to assist each other. Giving each other a hand up so that more can be helped. Society has us so brainwashed and so greedy thinking that if you help someone or share the knowledge you have gained would destroy you or put you at some kind of disadvantage. It saddens me to see when many of us do not support our own people in our communities and we even see less of our businesses in our own communities. Many of our leaders have gone away and we don’t have many who fill the shoes of those who have passed away. If we are not going to take care of ourselves no one else will.

Success starts from home and it has always been a dream of mine to bring our communities back together so that we are able to provide for our youth. There is always room for more and I wish to further educate and provide for our communities so that we can continue to raise up our young boys and girls to become the great men and women that can be called upon for continued positive direction and further success.

Give our youth back their dreams and letting them know that yes, it is possible to do anything when you put your mind to it. If it does not make you happy each day or gives you the energy to get up every day, then you are not living.

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